Sunday, 15 April 2007

Less than two weeks to go!

So, I've done some miles on my racing bike as a nod to training, changed the saddle on the tallbike and come up with a loose itinerary. Still to do is buy my ferry ticket, work out my packing list, and hopefully raise the second half of the £3000 I've set as a target for Shelter.

Raising money in Ireland is altogether more tricky!
The homeless charities there work locally, and while Focus and The Simon Community have regional offices, if I raise money for the central (Dublin) headquarters it doesn't necessarily get divvied up in a way that will please people in the provinces.

I'm not going to be able to raise money with a bucket or tin because getting the permission to fund-raise involves writing to about 26 Gardai offices, and I just don't know where I'll be to have the permits sent if I do indeed get them in time. It's very frustrating.
Hopefully there'll be some volunteers in cities I do visit who can raise money with me?

If you can help, please get in touch!

I've been a bit of a media-tart in the last week or so...
The Leicester Mercury gave me a half page, but they did say I was going to do the route in 2 weeks!
I got myself on the TV news, too. Central ITN gave me a few minutes, and as soon as I work out how I'll stick it on youtube so you can laugh at my bike handling skills...

So, I have two weeks to go til I roll up in Ennsicorthy... I'd better phone my relatives Pat & Lilly MacNamara and let them know I'm on my way!

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