Saturday, 5 May 2007

Day 7. Inchydoney Island to Skibbereen. 27 miles. 2 hours 46

I left Inchydoney feeling a little guilty. The irony that I'm raising money for the homeless but living in luxury was not missed on me. Too many people work far too hard and need these treatments when they could just wind their necks in and relax more. I'm not one too talk about stress, but somewhere the balance is wrong, huh? Gorgeous place tho, truly. marvelous food, service, everything.

Anyway... hot and tiring day today, the highlights of which were the three girls who flagged me down to give me their loose change and a few chocolates to keep me going. One of them even said nice things about Limerick, which has an awful press over here. maybe Baltimore where they were headed would have been a more exciting place to stay than Skibbereen, but anyhow.Next, a car with a christian fish drove passed with it's exhaust hanging off. Why does stuff like that cheer me up so much?

Anyway, The Carmody's in Skibbereen put me up and fed me even though they were up to their necks in wedding preperations for next weekend. Thanks guys! much appreciated.

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