What a day. chased by a dog, fell off in comedic style on my way to visit the stone circle from Spinal Tap and I got in an argument with a man who's voice was like the policeman from Withnail & I - 'Get in the back of the van' - that one.
I also met the 3 characters from the Big Lebowski-Howard, Donnie & the Dude.
Anyway, after an entirely unpleasant breakfast I set of towards Kenmare in the rain. hmmph. I'd decided to do a little bit of sight-seeing en-route as I'd not really done any off the bike. Uragh stone circle was to be my first point of interest, so after grinding up some hills and not being able to see too far cos of the mist and rain, I found myself on the single track road to Uragh.
Now, I've previously said that one of the advantages of the tallbike is dogs aren't as interested in you as on a normal bike. Well, Irish dogs aren't fussy. I've been chased about 5 times now, but this litttle sod really was quite scary. There's no point in yelling or swearing at anyone or anything in Ireland as it's standard currency. I just had to pedal and hope... anyway. Sweating and shaken I found myself at last at the signpost that said 'Stone Circle. €1 admission. I tried to put my foot on the ground. Only, I can't. I'm on the tallbike. I must have pulled a comedy moment-of-recognition face as I hit the ground pretty hard. My foot, knee, and thigh were all bruised, and I'm glad I had my helmet on as I took a bit of a blow to the head, too. A bit of whiplash is all that remains as a reminder to be more careful next time. I'm glad it happened, tho, because I suppose it shows I'm more relaxed on the bike than I perhaps should be.
I was dreading the ride back as I would have to pass the dog again. I'm considering getting a basket of kittens to sacrifice to the mutts that chase me. It's cruel, but I'm a callous-hearted coward, and I don't want to be bitten.
I met an altogether more objectionable creature on the way back: The man with the shrill voice.
On the single track road, everyone I passed would try and let me through and vice versa. It's how these roads work. This 'Irish Person' as he described himself just blocked the way on purpose so I had to stop on a very steep uphill section. He took exception at me trying to claim my 2 foot of tarmac and then got very irate cos I pointed out he was in my opinion, something I'm not going to repeat because Oliver reads this.
He got more and more iriate, irational, and stupid as the conversation went on. I decided there were only 2 ways out of the situation, and while I'd have dearly liked to have left him cable-tied to a tree, I just headed off into Kenmare. Laughing to myself as I passed the place where the dog had been.
Anyway. In Kenmare, a Canadian comes up to me and asks me about the bike. She's on a bike tour, sadly heading the other way and we chat for a couple of hours. Rebecca is double hard, and has ridden accross Canada in 90 days before, and is off to the Alps and the Pyrenees after Ireland. She gives me lots of tips, including that I should camp in churhyards. I'm too soft for this and plump for the lovely Kenmare Lodge hostel. 5 times nicer than the converted nunnery in Castletownbere the night before. Rebecca's friends John and Steve from Drogheda and Carlow showed up and I taugh them all how to ride the bike. It still looks mad to me when I see someone riding on it... we all agreed to meet for a beer later...
I met John and Pauline who'd just ran a half marathon that morning, and after a chat, and them offering to lock my belongings in their private room, I arranged to meet them for a beer later, too.
So, after a chinese, I headed off to Crowley's bar... What a great night, only spoiled by the Howard character who's boasting about his acchievements was in complete contrast to everyone elses attitudes in our little group. John had ridden Mizen Head to Malin head in 20 hours non stop, Rebecca, Canada coast-to-coast and I'm doing this stupid ride and we all knew enough to know that someone's always doing something touhgher. The Dude character was such a nice guy. Paul Hurley was his name and he's done artwork for Focus in the past and he bunged me €50 sponsorship. thanks mate!
Steve started some singing so that improved the mood. I don't think my father would enjoy the lyrics of some of the songs, but it was a great night, and I'll definitely hook up with Pauline, John and John later in my route.
Oh, there was a snorer in my dorm :-(
Monday, 7 May 2007
Day 9. Castletownbere to Kenmare. 37.6 miles. 4 hours 10
Focus Ireland,
Ray D'Arcy,
Rob Martin,
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