Saturday, 9 June 2007

Day 43. Skerries - Dublin. 23.5 miles. 2 hours 14

I made it at 1315 today. Oliver, Alison, Graham & Alison and Eily, Conor, Murray & Polly were there to see me arrive. Cried like a baby for a few minutes then found a pub. Glorious sunshine. Don't know quite what I think about it all. notIt's great to be me again and wear some jeans and shoes without SPD cleats in the soles and NOT be the guy on the stupid bike anymore. Just off for a pizza now.

Don't forget the Criterion next Saturday the 16th for beers and pizza and laughing at my bizarre tan...

Oh, I'll fill the other days in later, but I guess old news is no news...

Rob, the Rothar Aird rider...

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